‼️ Trump: The Art of the Deal by Donald J. Trump and Tony Schwartz ‼️


Trump: The Art of the Deal by Donald J. Trump and Tony Schwartz

Rating: 💵 💵  (2 out of 5)

(highly recommended read, but fact check‼️)

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📚 Length: 384 pages

🔊Audiobook: 9 hrs and 22 min

Why you should read this book?

💡 This review is not only a review of a book but of Trump’s personality overall.

💡 This book is full of lies and you need to read this review to correct your view.

💡 To learn about an impressive Czech connection to his first wife Ivana. 🇨🇿

The very first time I have heard of Donald Trump was when I went to Las Vegas in the US. I had a friend whom I was visiting in California and he had some kind of conference in Vegas. We went 5 people in a car and our A/C was switched off, because my friend was born to Czech parents in the US and he thought we save up money on gas this way. To this day, I am not sure about how effective it is to drive through one of the hottest places on earth with windows down and no air cond, but what I am sure about is that this is the most typical Czech way to save money. 😂 Anyway, we arrived to Vegas, rented a hotel room which looked like that kind of place where you hand a suitcase full of money to the other guy, shoot him, take back the suitcase and leave. The room then gets cleaned and that is the moment we arrive to the scene. I felt like I am in a Pulp Fiction movie, constantly. Moreover, the TV set in the room had 3 channels, all porn, no other ones. Vegas… 🤷‍♂️

Anyway, once we got cosily accommodated we went on the Strip and one of the guys in the group points out to the massive gold plated skyscraper with the name Trump on it. He says, this building is owned by a billionaire called Trump, have you ever heard of him? No, I said… Back then I did not know I his first wife was of Czech 🇨🇿 origin (Ivana Trump) and that I will keep hearing about him every single day in upcoming years…

Continue to read at:

This book is full of lies. However outrageous it sounds, you cannot read this book and not to verify the information contained in it without counterchecking with the other sources. Because if you didn’t, you get to see a whole different picture of Donald Trump.

Every salesman tries to look good and ultimately this is a sales book similar one to one of a successful coach. I love success, but it cannot be a lie.

First of all. Donald Trump wouldn’t be so successful today if he did not have his father’s money. His father was as he describes a tough negotiation. But he lent loads of money to Donald (e.g. while building the Trump Tower, NYC) and without it, Donald would not be where is he today. Donal also says he has grew up in a “modest working class neighbourhood.“ But his family had a mansion in Jamaica Estates of a size of White House. What Donald has learnt form his father was that his father was screwing the US government on the subsidised housing and hence whenever Donald feels being screwed by a contractor (even for 10 k USD), he picks up a phone and threatens the contractor that he never hires him again unless he waives all the extra fees. To me it appears as Donald Trump uses somewhat of reversed psychology. Furthermore, Donald Trump and his father were discriminating blacks and low income people in Trump housing estate in NY. Up to this day and even in this book, Trump says they had won the case. No they did not. They were found guilty and charged fines. But Trump says that ‘they ‚wanted this legal battle to go away’ and they pleaded guilty. Sorry, but this is mental.

Another point in his book which made me very angry in his book was his business approach to projects where poor people live. He said something along the lines: Middle class people do not mind to sell their apartments and move somewhere else, but it is the poor who fight the hardest, because they have nowhere else to go. I was like hello, motherfucker?! If I was born and grew up in a certain area I also have a right to bing up my kids and die there. But Americans had crazy ideas about what ’home’ means. Everything in the US is disposable. Location, houses, cars… You name it all. But the European approach is very different. We take care of out things, surroundings and communities and the last thing we want is some arsehole billionaire looking to kick us out, build luxury apartments and make a massive profit.

Donald Trump also says that the luxury housing creates the most profit. He speaks almost disrespectfully about his father who used to built low income and mid income houses.

What also made me upset was his approach to preserving art in historical buildings. Again, Americans have no history and their approach to demolition of the old and replacing it with new is a bit mad. I grew up in Prague and you cannot beat this town, haha. It is like a medieval castle. Therefore I am very protective of any historical sites. Donald intentionally demolished the art deco sculptures from Bonwit & Teller shopping mall on the plot where the Trump Tower stands today. To him they were of no real historical value. Besides he hired the cheapest company using the undocumented Polish migrants paid in vodka to do the job, at least that is how rumour has it.

In chapter call back to Woolworth building, Trump talks about buying and evicting tenants in the NYC. This chapter drove me absolutely mad. He would say that rent regulation is a modern day plague and that many super wealthy people in New York live in rent controlled apartments and that they do not deserve it. He would try to move in homeless people in the same building with so called ’rich people’ and make them move away. Am I the only one who thinks that Donald Trump is an absolute arsehole when it comes to vacating buildings with the short term purpose of selling for more?

He also talks about something completely unheard of in Europe. Buying out the competition, shutting it down (Barbizon Hotel in NYC) and making sure his other property (today Ritz-Carlton Hotel) pockets more profit. 

I am convinced Donald Trump has an ADHD. Many people who worked with him said that he has a very short attention span and that he cannot listen to you for more than 5 minutes. In my perspective ADHD can contribute to an overall success of a person. People with ADHD are smart in a different way.

Donald Trump also speaks of his family and childhood. He describes his father as very tough and that his own relationship with him was almost ’business like.’ Can you imagine you have ’business like’ relationship with your parents? I rather not to. I thin that the lack of attention from his parents helped to turn Donald into an arsehole and developed his ADHD.

Trump’s older brother

I remember one particular reel on Instagram where Donal Trump says he never drinks. That he had a brilliant brother, who was a pilot for TWA, but who had an alcohol problem.

Trump’s older brother was supposed to inherit their father’s construction empire. I think that the lack of love and support from his family caused him fail and die very young. Trump’s family philosophy is: survival for the fittest. There is no room for the weak.

🇨🇿 Czech Connection

Donald mentions a numerous times in this book his very first wife Ivana, who is of Czech origin. It makes me proud that such a small nation as the Czech Republic has a profound influence on the Anglo-Saxon world, especially in the USA and Canada. The secret is the quality, not quantity, guys. 😉

At first I thought that Donald’s first wife was a gold digger. I condemn nothing more than gold diggers. But after doing some research, it was Donald, who wanted to wed Ivana and who also started to cheat on her with Maple. Eastern European women are tough, esp. those who grew up under the communist regime. They are some of the toughest, the most modest and most loyal women found on planet Earth. Anglo-Saxon women are not like that. Except of Irish women. Irish had to deal with such immense hardships in the past as the Great Famine that it can be compared to surviving WWI, WWII and communism combined.

Anyway, Donald put back then his wife Ivana as one of the top executives in the Trump Organisation and she run hotels and casinos.

Donald has all together 3 kids with Ivana. Two the eldest (Robert and Ivánka) can speak Czech. What is interesting on the name Ivánka is that it is actually a diminutive in Czech language, because the official name would run ’Ivana.’ But you know, I guess it is the American way of doing things, since you can name your kids with any name you make up at the spot. Like Buck for example. Who the fuck is called Buck? (Pulp Fiction scene).

Donald and Ivana eventually got divorced and Donald married two more women since then. He probably missed the qualities of the Eastern European wives once he was married to his middle wife Marlies. So he went back and married Melania from Slovenia. Even though Slovenia 🇸🇮 is not really  Eastern Europe, it is more of a Balkan/southern Slavic nation with that twist of Balkan craziness. 😂 Some people love it, some hate it, I prefer people who are not crazy…

Keep in mind this book was published in 1987. In Trump's heydays. Long before he experienced his first severe financial problems and got his first divorce. He was a real celebrity back then. The then published the other book talking about his comeback. Der Kaiser 👑 shall perhaps review this book as well.

Kaiser’s Verdict: 💵 💵  (recommended to read, if you are interested in Trump, but fact check‼️)

What I hate about Donald Trump or Americans in general, is that they try to sell every failure as a success story.Europeans are naturally more down to earth. I grew up in Eastern Europe and I have a sixth sense for spotting bullshit, even in business. There are loads of people who walk around there and they just bullshit. But Donald is so special, that he even believes his own lies. This book is full of them.

Donald Trump is a real American success story, but built on lies and harassing tenants. But he did not use his expertise only for bad things. He contributed to public somehow by e.g. renovating Central Park Woolman Rink and he rightly blames it on politicians and their incompetence.

One more thing I find super funny about this book is the fact it is written in American English. They use therms such as 'a show is being televisionaized' instead of being broadcasted.

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💵 💵  (2 out of 5)

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Coming Up Next:

The ADHD Advantage: Why Your Brain Being Wired Differently is Your Superpower by Anders Hansen

Peace 🧘‍♂️✌️🌱
