‼️ The ADHD Advantage: Why Your Brain Being Wired Differently is Your Superpower by Anders Hansen ‼️


The ADHD Advantage: Why Your Brain Being Wired Differently is Your Superpower by Anders Hansen

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/+⭐️⭐️ (7 out of 5)

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📚 Length: 191 pages

🔊Audiobook: 5 hrs and 24 min

Why you should read this book?

💡 It provides you with some fabulous explanation as why for about 40% of all humans have ADHD.

💡 Gives you some tips to handle ADHD better.

💡 Includes some interesting stories of successful entrepreneurs e.g. Martin Lorentzon the founder of Spotify who has ADHD.

I am aware I have an ADHD since I was a child. I was disruptive, rude to authorities and I could not concentrate in school. The post communist countries have a great safety net in place when it comes to the education system and you would be very early (as soon as the first grade of the elementary) recommended to child psychologist and then the teachers in the system would have to work with you a bit differently. 😃🤷‍♂️

Anyway, after reading this book, I wonder why did I decided to study law when I have ADHD. Law and ADHD do not go well together. I am often inattentive, if the case is not interesting enough, I do not to tend to give a fuck and I leave a shit tons of typos in my papers because I thing faster than I write and I am not interested to read it after myself. 😂

As far as I remember I wanted to be a journalist. I even used to publish a magazine, but then I got accepted to the law school and all fun was over. Anyway, since I was a child I was condemned by my teachers, because I was 'too much.' The reason why I think this book is worth reading is because is shows the strong parts of those with ADHD and as it appears the rest of the society would get stuck without us or even would not be able to function at all.

Farmer’s vs. hunter’s brain 🧠

Hansen suggests that people’s brains could be divided into two different categories. The first category are people with farmer’s brain. They are calm, organised, timid and they are great at planing ahead. In the other words they do not have ADHD. The second category are people who are impulsive, creative, fast and get very quickly exhausted. These have ADHD…

What Hansen says is that one group of people benefits the others. For example, people with ADHD are capable of generating new ideas and are often capable of convincing the that their ideas are worth trying. While farmers are better at the execution of these ideas, they would not be able to come up with these ideas themselves.

ADHD are natural explorers 🚀

Hansen contents that it is thanks to ADHD gene variant why humans left Africa thousands years ago and chartered into new unexplored territories. People with ADHD are naturally very sensitive. It means that in the past when they were scanning the environment for the food, they were able to notice things the “farmer’s brain“ people filtered out. This led to the higher chance of survival for those with ADHD and their group.

Interestingly enough, it is said that the ADHD gene is present in the colonised countries more than it is in the countries of colonisers. Higher percentage of people in the USA and esp. Argentina have one of the ADHD genes. This means, they were willing to leave their country and go and live somewhere better, while farmers wouldn’t be able to do that. They were too scarred of the unknown, of the risk involved in the entire venture.

When scientist were observing an African tribe called Arians, they noticed that some members of this tribe have ADHD. This tells us that ADHD is not exclusive to the civilised humans and it is therefore not a civilisation decease. Moreover, the ADHD members of the tribe were great at hunting and were better nourished than the rest of the tribe. This tells us that the individuals with ADHD are capable of finding food in the nature much quicker and much more efficiently than those with boring farming brain. 🧠

Sadly, in the modern world which is stereotypical as fuck, is very difficult to keep paying attention for people with ADHD. They are easily disrupted, impulsive (they love to offend the other people - I’m saying that because I like to do it and you love to take it, otherwise you would not be reading my blog, haha 😂😂😂). This could be a serious problem when dealing with authorities. People with ADHD have no respect whatsoever for the authorities. Again, I don’t. 🤷‍♂️ You could be a president of the planet fuckin’ Earth and I do not give a fuck. 😉🤷‍♂️ Therefore non-ADHD people hate those with ADHD, but love us and admire us at the same time, because we are what I call 'interesting' people. Those with the farmer’s brain, will never ever be able to create the same thing as we do.

Bipolar spectrum

Interestingly enough, having an ADHD is not the only genetical error there is. There are also people on bipolar and autistic spectrum. According to Hansen we are all on these spectrums… 😬 I won’t dive deeper into this, just you know. 😉

ADHD = success, if harvested right

Hansen interviewed for the purpose of this book the founder of Spotify who claims to have ADHD. While ADHD is a problem in regular 9-5 shit job, it is usually not a problem when it comes to building a company from a scratch and becoming a millionaire or maybe even billionaire (I alone am the subscriber of Spotify for many years and I presume that the majority of the planet as well). People with ADHD are super creative, often super sensitive, very actionable and are the best suitable for chaotic environments.

The biggest mistake people with ADHD can do, is to try to fit within the normal society of average people with farmers' brains. 🧠 But when ADHD is harvested correctly, it does miracles. ✨

Hansens' patients

Hansen also speaks about some of his patients who built immensely successful businesses, but tipped over somewhere along the way. Many of them had problems with drug addition or were alcoholics. Some even wanted to commit suicide, which appears to be a common trait for all people with ADHD as they are often misunderstood by others and ostracised. Hanse suggests that the best solution could be the medication, but the well known fact is that every medication does something different to people with ADHD as no person and no ADHD is exactly the same. 

Some help could be found by Dr. Daniel Amen, who created 7 different ADHD based of the brain scans. His Majesty der Kaiser 👑 plans to review Dr. Amen's book called Healing the ADD and once it will be done, it will appear over here as a link to Kaiser's review. 👑

In the outcome, Hansen says that medication could be helpful to some people with ADHD. But some opt out, because with it comes the loss of creativity, impulsivity and it will change how one acts and think. Hansen's suggestion is that only someone who considers his or her ADHD as a problem should use it.

Tips to handle ADHD

Lastly, Hansen offers some tips to people who suffer with ADHD. These tips include frequent breaks, breaking up large tasks into smaller ones,  constantly rewarding oneself (I need to do this all the time, but it gets a bit pricy on the end of the day 😬).

Kaiser’s Verdict: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/+⭐️⭐️ (exceptionally good read, especially if you have an ADHD)

This is a popular science book and I absolutely loved it! If you are into this topic, you should not miss works of Gábor Maté which were also reviewed by der Kaiser. 👑

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/+⭐️⭐️ (7 out of 5)

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Coming Up Next:

The Irish Difference: The Story of Ireland's 400-Year Journey to Independ by Fergal Tobin

Peace 🧘‍♂️✌️🌱
