‼️ Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod ‼️

Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

“Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.” Margaret Fuller

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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📚 Length: 296 pages

🔊Audiobook: 5 hours and 51 minutes

Why you should read this book?

💡Helps you to design your morning in the way to help you to achieve your maximal potential.

💡 This is done by practising so called 6 saviour every single day.

💡 6 saviours include principles such as quite time, affirmations and exercise.

The Kaiser’s Book review is back after a looong break. Since the launch of this site, it has been visited by over 36.000 people and is currently being visited by 2.500 people per month.

You would be probably wondering why der Kaiser 👑 has stopped writing the reviews. Well, der Kaiser 👑 has decided to get his LL.M. at the University Collage Dublin in Ireland. Things got tough, time was tight and there was no time for the self-development as the most of Kaiser’s time was consumed by his job and school work. Luckily, these times are over.

To the story… I have heard about this book from my students. I was teaching English in Dublin. One day, my friend was telling me about his friend who started to have health issues and the doctors gave him about a year of life. He was a young fella 19 or 20. The way he discovered that he has a health problem is when he hot seizure during the night, fall off his bed and went to visit doctor the next day wondering what it was.

After the doctors run some tests, they told that he has a tumor in his brain. 🧠  They said that they do not want to perform surgery as it might be too risky. The doctors did eventually nothing and the friend of my friend continues to live to this day.

When I heard this story, it hit me hard. So young, ambitious I thought. I envied him. I was never afraid of death, as the matter of fact I always saw death as some kind of liberation from eternal suffering on the planet Earth. 🌍 

I thought when you know how much time you got left, you would not really care about any kind of bullshit anymore. Remember movie In Time with Justin Timberlake? Where people pay with their time. The rich keep rising the quotas and prices until the poor have not time left and they die.

But let’s say you get one last year. I think that most of us would focus only on the substantial and we would do it right… Most of wouldn’t probably decide to spend the last year of their life in a job they hate while being surrounded by people they do not like.

Anyway, I ended up telling my students the story of my friend’s friend. Someone asked me: 

Have you heard about the book called The Miracle Morning? 

No, I answered…
Well, it is about this guy who got cancer or some other terrible decease. 

Go on…

He survived and wrote the book I am talking about. It is about self-improvement.

It got my attention. I noted the book postponing the action of reading it until the day I will have time. Well, that day has come. But I started reading it already in Dublin.

I was annoyed at first, because the beginning was good, not good it was great. But then it started to slip into general clichés about the meditation and so on which I have heard in heaps of motivational books before.

To get to the point. The book really does not contain of much tangible methods that would be unique. It is a bit like a manifesto of a personal coach/guru who wrote a book and added bunch of other marking stuff like an app to boost his sales. On the other way the book is not written in the way that the author could be held liable or called a swindler, because there are always important underling principles I cannot question even with my legal background. E.g.: You should meditate and visualise your goals. Great, done. But then the book says: you should also visualise yourself in the position of taking the steps to achieve that goal. Okay, that is literally nothing new and you cannot hold the author liable for the fact that your goddamm visualisation does not work. 😃

The truth is that the morning is the most productive part of the day for the most of us. For example my peak mental productivity is from 9 am to 12 am. After lunch, I am not capable of processing anything of higher intellectual value.

In the nutshell, this book claims that if you set up your morning right and fill it with activities such as meditation, visualisation and exercise. It will then helps you to achieve whatever you want in life.

The structure of the miracle morning as described in the book as six saviours:

(1) Silence

(2) Affirmations

(3) Visualisation (what steps you need to take to achieve your goals)
(4) Exercise (yoga)

(5) Read (new ideas)

(6) Scribing (gratitude)

Now, let’s take a more of realistic approach to this idea. I bet that very few people have time to mediate in the morning. Morning is all about wake up, get ready and go to work. It is very hard to squeeze anything in, once you are in the rat race. Nevertheless the author found another solution to the problem as not having time. It is called: 6 minutes miracle morning. In this case you dedicate 1 minute of your morning to the each of the saviour.

1 minute of each principle might not be enough for everyone, but hey! Everyone is different and everyone has different options. So I do not say don't do it, it is impossible, if you decide to practice, you will find your way around it anyway.

The book also outlines the principles of evening routine which helps you to fall asleep. It consists of not eating 2-3 hours before you jump to bed, eliminating as much of blue light exposure form the monitors and phone screens and so on.

Kaiser’s Verdict: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (not great, not terrible)

This book could be of use to someone who haven’t read 53 other books on personal development like me. It will suit well to the beginners to the realm of self-development, but I do not consider it to be a fundamental book for people who have read several similar books such as The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz or the 5 am Club by Robin Sharma (unfortunately none of these books was reviewed by der Kaiser 👑 but he read them all! 😁).

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Coming Up Next:

Gaffs by Rory Hearne



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