‼️ Deep Work by Cal Newport ‼️


“If you don’t produce, you won’t thrive—no matter how skilled or talented you are.”

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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📚 Length: 305 pages

🔊Audiobook: 7 hours and 44 minutes

Why you should read this book?

💡Helps you to understand the positive impact of deep work on your life.

💡Gives you tips on how to concentrate deeply and fix you scattered mind.

Right guys, before I get into details, let me just say: “In my perspective this book is way too long and there is way too much of an academic blabber.” 

The author does not focus on the vital and novel information. I think that this book could have 50 pages and I would have loved it. Unfortunately it has 305 pages and 250 pages are blabber. As this is my 45th book on self-development I found out it does not present anything I haven’t heard or read somewhere else.

On the other hand the principle of deep work and concentration is a vital factor for any improvement. 

But let’s break it down first (I will start with the bad and finish positively with the good):

📣 Fact No. 1.:

This book was written by a hardcore academic. I’m not a fan of academics. They are miles away from entrepreneurs who I admire the most. I see academics as people who sit at universities, get paid shit tons of money and do the fuck all all day long.

I’m afraid to say that majority of academics simply lost touch with the real world and so did this guy, Cal Newport.

📣 Fact No. 2.:

If you are not an academic and you read this book, it can teach you some nasty habits. In case you didn’t pick them by yourself somewhere else.

Cal instigates university professors to ignore certain e-mail correspondence. Or not to answer when it is “too much work.” Why should they? They get paid anyway, right? I was like fuck me! Those lazy bastards!😃 This pesty habit is not only spread at Czech universities where you write an e-mail to a professor and you never, literally, never get a fuckin’ answer.

Just let me say: Professors at the universities are on the mission to pass on the knowledge they were so lucky to gain on their students. But it does not appear to me that they want to serve their students and help them to develop further. If they don’t do that, they should leave and find another job.

If you work in academia, please, answer you e-mails otherwise you make people like me seriously angry.

📣 Fact No. 3.:

Cal loves to talk about Bill Gate’s success. The problem is we keep hearing the same story over and over again. But some authors only pick parts of Bill Gate’s story, which only fit into their own narrative of success. If you want to get a nice perspective on Bill Gates, read he Outliers by Malcom Gladwell and do not listen to Cal.

📣 Fact No. 4.:

Finally came the time I can present some positive information I gained in this book: We can concentrate deeply only a couple of hours per day. The time of deep concentration goes from1,5 hours and can be maintained only up to 4 hours max per day.

Your ability to concentrate deeply should be seen more as a muscle, which could be trained. 💪 As your muscles get tired after intensive workout, so your ability to concentrate. Which means you need to rest regularly in order to keep the top notch focus.

This period of deep concentration should be uninterrupted. If you are getting constantly interrupted, your attention deficit will cause the attention deficit (e.g. too much of TikTok).

📣 Fact No. 5.:

Cal also proposes shorter working hours as we can concentrate deeply only up to 4 hours per day. I love that idea ❤️, unfortunately it is not exactly in alignment with exploitative capitalist nature of majority of employers in any country around the world and those who say it is are lying...

Cal even mentioned a writer who was based in London in late 1800’. I think he was called Belmont or something, like that. The writer speaks about how amazing it was to live in London, to work in the office, to commute only 15 min to work (30 min per day in total) and having so much free time. The writer says that since people do not need to be toiling all day long in menial tasks as growing food and taking care of live stock, they should engage in the self-development, learning new things every day etc.

I love this idea. The problem is, if you live in London nowadays I doubt you commute 15 min every day. It would be more like 1 hour +?

You end up exhausted, hating the British 🇬🇧 and blaming the capitalism on the top of that. 😀

📣 Fact No. 6.:

Cutting off the social media. Every stupid distraction is causing you to concentrate less.

Keep on your own mind: You should always evaluate firstly what helps you and leave out what does not.

Let’s say you want to disseminate the knowledge like der Kaiser and help people to become better and happier. 👑 

Personally, I try to limit social media in my life. It is way too much distraction. Besides, people on social media are fuckin' daft... 😀

Kaiser’s Verdict: 👎

I’m sorry, but I simply cannot recommend this book! 😀 It is way too long and there is almost no useful information. This book is like 15% useful information and 85% academic blabber.


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Coming Up Next: 

Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse



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