‼️ Can’t Hurt Me: Master Your Own Mind and Defy the Odds by David Goggins ‼️


“We’re either getting better or we’re getting worse.”

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📚 Length: 400 pages

🔊Audiobook: 13 hours and 38 minutes

Why you should read this book?

💡Presumably the best “modern” book on mental toughness I have read so far.

💡Changes your perception of failure and helps you develop “callous mind.”

💡Teaches you to be accountable for your own dreams and deeds through the principle called “the accountability mirror principle.”

Read this quote again and think about it for a second:

“We’re either getting better or we’re getting worse.”

Are you getting better or are you going soft? Did you gave up like a little fucking pussy? Shall I fuckin’ punch you so you will wake up eventually? Well, if you went soft, but you are somehow looking for a motivation to put you back on track, you better read this book.

“Don’t stop when you are tired. Stop when you are done.”

I was wondering, did anybody every thought why I decided to start Kaiser’s Book Review? Because I realise that dumb motherfuckeres in school called teachers did not teach me a shit about life. I quit school, it was a waste of my fucking time. Instead I wanted to develop my own education program and share with the world what I have learnt. I was striving for constant improvement. I wanted to learn about finance, psychology, philosophy, history, health lifestyle etc. The Kaiser’s Book Review is a product of my desire. It has been one year and I’m still not going soft.

Goggins is a hard motherfucker. As hard as it gets. He is the only man in history to complete US Air Force training, NAVY SEALs training and US Army Ranger training. He even attempted to finish to US Delta Forces training, but did not succeed.

📢 Traumatising childhood

First few chapters of this book are really intense. Goggins did not have it easy when he was child. His father was a successful entrepreneur who abused his wife and his kids. David did not have it easy, but I believe this helped him to turn in to the hard motherfucker he is today.

📢 Accountability mirror

When David was at the point in his life when he was working as a bug exterminator he realised he could do nothing and suffer or to suffer and start becoming somebody he wanted to be. Every day, he wrote a set of tasks and dreams on his mirror. He decided to become accountable for those dreams and change his life for better every day. It started with small tasks and carried on to bigger dreams.

“A lot of us surround ourselves with people who speak to our desire for comfort. Who would rather treat the pain of our wounds and prevent further injury than help us callous over them and try again. We need to surround ourselves with people who will tell us what we need to hear, not what we want to hear, but at the same time not make us feel we’re up against the impossible.”

📢 Callous mind

“Like most battles we fight in life, would be won or lost in our own minds.”

Callous mind is a principle of winning the battles in our heads. It is about developing strong and stable mindset which is going to help us to get through hard shit.

When out mind steps out of the comfort zone, it freaks out and finds 1000 reasons why is something not possible. We have to overcome it and push further.

“Either way there would be suffering. I had to choose between physical suffering in the moment, and the mental anguish of wondering if that one missed pull-up, that last lap in the pool, the quarter mile I skipped on the road or trail, would end up costing me an opportunity of a lifetime. It was an easy choice.”

📢 Society is going soft

This is the stance I agree with David Goggins on. Look at the covid and pandemics. People are freaking out and getting millions of boosts just to be “safe.” It is all bullshit. I think that people in reality are missing 3rd world war and covid pandemics is a substitute for some real action and danger. 

But I see it everywhere. Look at Facebook. It is okay you failed… No, it is fuckin’ not you dickhead. There is a proverb: “Born stupid? Try again!”

Goggins got it right. He realised he cannot blame anybody for his failures. He set his goals to earn them, to overcome all the obstacles and eventually succeed. Do go soft, otherwise you are just another weak pussy.

📢 Becoming uncommon among uncommon

After finishing three US Army trainings, Goggins realised he is the common among uncommon. 

Similarly like Germans, Goggins never stopped striving for excellence. He always felt like there was more to whatever he was doing and that’s what got him so far.

📢 Hole in the heart

Later in his life Goggins discovered he had a hole in his heart. Looking back on SEALs training and all other trainings he went through, he realised he was deemed to fail right at the beginning. he hole in his heart (there is a medical term for it, but I’m not going to be bothered with that shit) caused his oxygenated and unoxygenated blood to mix up. But Goggins did not give up. He carried on like a hard motherfucker he is and he succeeded.

📢 Failure

I loved Googin’s stance on failure:

Always keep setting up goals making yourself to perform at your own very best. If you are not failing, you are not improving.

“And if you fail again, so the fuck be it. Take the pain. Repeat these steps and keep fighting.”

📢 Start over and fucking earn it - there is no finish line

If you are looking for an improvement you are probably tap into the fields you haven’t heard of, yet. I studied law, but engineering sounds like an interesting field I would like to get in to.

The point is: do not be afraid to start over and become a Mr. Nobody. I lived in 5 different countries around the world. Anywhere I came, I had to start over as a nobody. Some of us reached a point in life where we got way too comfortable. They expect to be treated a certain way and they are afraid to endure the pain which is going to open a new horizons for them.

“There is no finish line. There is always more to learn, and you will always have weaknesses to strengthen if you want to become as hard as woodpecker lips.”

Remember, you do not deserve a shit, because if you deserve it, you fuckin’ earn it:

“Luck is a capricious bitch. It won’t always go your way, so you can’t get trapped in this idea that just because you’ve imagined a possibility for yourself that you somehow deserve it.”

📢 Conclusion

This book is ultimately about achieving. It is a book suitable for men, because only men can understand what it takes to suffer and endure. Like Goggins does.

If you are about to read this book, do not forget to check out:

Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin


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Coming Up Next: 

Atomic Habits by James Clear

Peace 🧘‍♂️✌️🌱


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