‼️ Masterclass: Matthew Walker Teaches the Science of Better Sleep ‼️
“If you are not getting enough sleep you are more prone to deceases”
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Why you should watch this Masterclass?
💡 Gives you tips on how to sleep better.
💡 You will discover how caffein and alcohol influence our sleep cycle.
💡 Melatonin, sleeping pils, you will discover what they do to our bodies.
After a short break on my blog, I finally found an on-line course which interests me deeply. Guess what, I went head on right into it.
Let me just mention that Matthew Walker is also an author of the book “Why we sleep.” His book was on my reading list, but decided to go for the on-line course on the end of the day.
This Masterclass is not only rich in substance, but it is beautiful from visual and audial perspective. I also loved Matthew’s consistent narrative.
What did I learn?
📣 You should get between 7 to 9 hours of sleep every single day. (I prefer 8,5)
📣 Prevent sleep debt
If you are sleep deprived, you cannot “gain” all deep sleep (REM phase) in the next day’s sleep. You can only reclaim the lost time in REM phase by sleeping constantly well over a number of days…
📣 Night owl / Morning lark
We are all different and have genetically build in a preference when it come to waking up. Some people are (like me) Morning Larks, some prefer to be active in the nighttime.
📣 Regularity
Go to the bed at the same time every day and wake up roughly at the same time every day. This includes weekends…
📣 Caffein and alcohol
We should drink caffein only in the morning. After 6 hours we still have roughly 1/4 of the caffein in our blood stream. Decaf coffee still contains caffein (between 5% to 31% of a regular coffee). If you need to have a coffee after 2:00 pm, go for decaf.
Chemical called adenosine causes us to feel tired. Caffein prevents adenosine from binding with receptors in the brain. But if those receptors are blocked by caffein, adenosine keeps building up in our system and when caffein washed out, we get even more tired than before.
Alcohol is a drug, which does not make us tired, it literally sedates our brain. It worsens the quality of our sleep.
📣 Sleep pills
Are literally harmful drugs. They “switch off” our brain and prevents it from the natural firing of neutrons during our sleep. My advice. Try to avoid sleeping pils, unless you want to become a junkie.
📣 Melatonin
Melatonin helps us to fall asleep. Be careful while using it. Some products contain more melatonin than the others. Recommended standard is between 0,3 ml to 0,5 ml. The less, the better.
📣 Dreams
Help us to heal. They take off the sharp emotional edges we have experienced during the day. Sigmund Freud’s theory (of whom I am a big admirer) seems to be obsolete nowadays as his theory is not based on any scientific data. The general consensus today would be that dreams help us to heal and cope emotionally.
📣 Some parts of the brain are more active during the sleep than during the state of wakefulness. The prefrontal cortex switches off during the sleep (the logical and organised part of the brain) and we get trippy dreams. 😃 Dreams help us to process everything that happened during our day. Dreams are healthy, dreams are the must for a healthy individual.
📣 During sleep our brain dumps all sewage in terms of unwanted proteins. Therefore we feel fresh and happy when we wake up.
📣 Lack of sleep over a longer period of time equals weaker immune system, DNA deterioration and higher risk of cancer and deceases.
📣 Night shifts are going to take a toll on your health
WHO marked nightshifts as health dangerous. They are literally fucking you sleeping cycle up… People who work in night are more prone to cancer, anxiety and have overall shorter life span than those who do not work nights…
📣 Electrolyte Drinks
I personally do not drink them. I prefer clear coconut water, but if you do drink them after your exercise, watch carefully for caffein them might contain.
Lesson learnt? There is nothing more important in this world than a good night of sleep.
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