‼️ MasterClass: Sara Blakely teaches Self-Made Entrepreneurship ‼️


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“In school they taught me what to think, but they did not teach me how to think.”

Sara Blakely

I think that this particular masterclass could be a very handy manual for those who want to start their own business and become entrepreneurs. It will especially benefit those who are doing business or want to do business in apparel industry and retail.

I really liked the story of Sara Blakely and looking at her I think she has succeeded because she was good in sales. As I have mentioned on my blog earlier, the “art” of selling is the art no fucking university or school is going to teach you ever and still, it is the most demanded skill for life itself.


At first, she wanted to become a lawyer like her daddy. But then she eventually discovered she is not a good test taker. I mean I went through law school and it was totally not worth the time, effort and monies. 😄 I would then say, it is good she did not get into the law school. She would have eventually turned into boring grumpy lawyer and she would not be radiating so much energy for sure.

Before founding SPANX Sara Blakely was actually selling  photocopy machines called DAX. I think that selling photocopy machines gives you this extra edge, because you are going to get rejected so many times. You are also going to get kicked out of hundreds of offices. After certain period of time, Sara managed to save up 5.000 USD and launched her own business. My very first part-time job was selling coffee machines and coffee to the restaurants. It was commission based. I did not sell anything. It was the most ungrateful job I have ever done in my life. I imagine that selling photocopy machines was no dream job. I feel for Sara.

She named it SPANX because she read a reheard which was claiming that people do remember better made up names.

But what I find truly unbelievable was her dedication to succeed. When she started to sell SPANX in department stores, she went there, got  sales assistants excited and made sure they are going to know and love her product. She also “cheated” a little bit by placing her products near by the cash registers to make sure SPANX get noticed by customers.

Total Rehaul

When Sara started her business she has noticed a few mistakes people were making while sowing together women’s apparel. Sizing was done on plastic figurines, without acknowledging shape and size of “normal” women’s bodies. So she fixed it and started to test her products on real women. This attitude made her products far more comfortable to wear than those of the competition. She was not “super innovative” she just found out what was wrong with the industry and fixed it.

If you have an idea, pen it down!

Entrepreneurs are constantly trying to improve other people's lives. They are not like evil lecturers at Czech universities who are ultimately seeking the opposite. So, when you are going to get an idea (doesn't matter how stupid), pen it down! Pen down dozens or hundreds of them and then pick your horse.

Second-tier Brands

What I found particular interesting is the explanation of how one kettle can cost 150 USD on the internet and 50 USD in Target. Well, with intention to sell more companies are creating cheaper second-tier brands. They compromise on materials, so the kettle you get in Target will be all shit Chinese plastic instead of fine steel. In that way they make sure that the “premium” customers won’t get affected by lowering price.

Celebrate Failure

Any time you are going to fail, fucking celebrate! There is no shame in not knowing! You gotta learn and it won’t work, if you keep avoiding making mistakes.

My parents shamed me anytime I made a mistake. Teachers shamed me when I was in school as well (now I’m talking about elementary). At a certain point I just did not want to ask any questions, because not “knowing” was a bad thing. I hate them for this sort of attitude (both my parents and some of my former teachers) and I hope I would be able to rise up my kids in a different spirit and celebrate any given failure with them. I will also teach them to laugh at cunts who want to do evil to other people.

In Sara’s Blakely MasterClass were also some “case studies.” Where the entrepreneurs got chance to ask her some questions. I mean, I did not find the part talking 50 shades of lipstick very interesting. As I man, I would prefer to watch some MMA fight where two men are breaking folding chairs of each other’s head.  🪚 🤼‍♂️ 🪑 Talking lipsticks is not really my thing, 🙄  but I acknowledge that there is a huge potential in some products for women.

On the end, Sara cries… I mean out of my perspective that is something only rich white North American girls do and in this case I found it completely unnecessary… 😬 


Well, that’s it! It was lovely a bit far too feminine (I have to watch something really manly after this MasterClass), but I’m happy I watched it. It certainly taught me something new. 🙂 👍


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Coming Up Next: How to Avoid a Climate Disaster by Bill Gates

Peace 🧘‍♂️✌️🌱


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