‼️ Beyond Order: 12 More Rules For Life by Jordan B. Peterson ‼️


Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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12 Rules of Life: An Antidote to Chaos was so far the most successful review on my blog. I wonder whether it is because people see Peterson as controversial figure or because previous review contained some of my most original thoughts. Anyway, Beyond Order was published quite recently and I’m happy to get into the “category” of recently published books. 🥳

The very first time, I have heard about Peterson was back in the UK. My friend introduced me to his YT videos and podcasts. I somehow feared that Peterson is a radical, which is the way of how Peterson is often pictured by mainstream media. But after reading 12 Rules of Life: An Antidote to Chaos I saw that Peterson is not a radical nor a nazi. It appears to me that certain media like to pick a scapegoat and then grill it in front of the audience. You just cannot let them. Contrary, I would call Peterson a modern Canadian philosopher and I really (like fucking really) enjoy his books.


The book starts with Peterson’s intro. He has been hospitalised in Russia. He had some health issues which consequently led to deterioration of his health.

There was a long list of health issues I have never heard of. Here I drew a conclusion that he might be a hypochondriac (we men all are), just slightly. 😏 😃

Peterson said he started to medicate himself with some sort of panic attack pills. Which has proven to be drugs. I mean if you are going to become a superstar, it is very likely you are going to experience some sort panic attacks. But out of my perspective, drugs are bad. They eventually lead to addiction and destruction of your natural self. Thanks to God, he recovered on the end and wrote this book.

Instead of describing what happens in the book, I’m going to talk about “rules” that caught up my attention.


Peterson did not want to make this book about the Pandemic neither to omit a fact that pandemic has happened. When it comes to corona, we imposed lockdowns on people. People had to stay at home and have a very little social contacts. But humans are social animals. I have read that to “feel” alone is the same as smoking 15 pack of cigarettes a day. When we are not a part of broader society, we start to forget who we are. It is maily due to the fact that people around us help us to define who we are. Without feedback of other people, our “self” is disappearing.


The Godfather said: “Only women and children can be careless, but not men.” 

Peterson speaks often about responsibility. He did so already in 2 Rules of Life: An Antidote to Chaos.

I do agree that taking responsibility is double sided sword. It is liberating and enslaving at the same time. By taking on the responsibility we are improving our lives. Responsibility makes us happy.

“Do Not Do What You Hate”

I fucking love this one. Let’s go back to the time when you were a child. You did not want to do something (chores, homework etc.). Your parents told you that you have to do it because they also must do thing they do not like or even hate. But this was a blatant lie. I mean, if somebody tells you something like that, they are either trying to get an advantage of you or they fucking hate what they do. It is never good to do what you hate. It leads to resentment, hatred and it worsens life of everybody around you. Please, do not do what you hate.

Speak the truth and have difficult conversations

This is another good one. This principle is applied by Jeff Bezos (I’m still not a fan 😒), Elon Musk and was applied by Steve Jobs (I’m still a fan of the latter two 😃). If something annoys you, it is a sign you need to speak about it. Remember I told you a story of how I used to work in a law firm. For miserable wage and with autistic people. I should have told them. I hated my Czech university (I still utterly hate Czech universities, because they produce slaves and not free-spirited people like me). I told my lecturers and I was punished by those former communists for trying to distort their dumb authoritarian world where humiliation and psychological abuse of students is a norm. I should have told some of my exes they were fucking mess and not worth of any love or respect and dump them earlier. But failure should not stop you from trying having difficult conversations. Otherwise, you are going to grow upset and extremely resentful. Express yourself and get what you want. 😉

Clinical psychology

I was pleased to read in this book about daily psychological work of Jordan Peterson. Psychology always interested me. I see that Peterson’s approach is very “western culture” based approach. In Western culture, we need to comprehend “things” and “events” that happened to us. We need fucking explanation for everything. We need to know why somebody did us evil and so on.

I do respect this approach. On the other hand, there is another approach. In Far East, they had meditation and the art of letting go. Paramahansa Yoginanda understood that “everything” is not meant to be understood. He practiced the art of letting go instead.

Anyway, I found interesting of how Peterson treated one of his clients. He saw her as “Cinderella.” She was vegan and could not live a normal life as she always felt anxious when seeing meat in the supermarket and so on. She had a dream and the dream told her to visit slaughterhouse. (I was like fuck yeah! This is a proper therapy! 😂 😂 😂). Well, they did not manage to get into a slaughterhouse, but Peterson and his client managed to visit a mortuary). She even touched the dead body. Well, that certainly toughen her up! 😝

I also had to laugh when Peterson was describing “changing an outdated perspective on something.” One of Peterson’s clients was a woman. When she was little, she played doctors with her 2 years older cousin. She came to conclusion that she was raped. Peterson suggested that she is a big girl now and that she should perceive it as a game of two unsupervised kids which got out of hand. I mean… In North America is a very different perception of what rape means in comparison to Continental Europe (I’m saying Continental Europe, because there is a certain island on the coastline of Continental Europe which does not consider itself to be a part of Europe). Women are well known for not knowing what they want and if they continuously read on the internet about rapes, they might simply come to the conclusion they were raped. Not forgetting that some of them might have "rape" it as secret sexual fantasies. I mean, if I would have been a clinical psychologist, I would recommend those women to read some Bukowski. In one of the stories Bukowski pursues a daringly dressed woman who wants to be raped. He “rapes” her, she calls a police, Bukowski is thrown into a jail only to be released the very next as lady dropped the charges… Plays people play… 😆 But Bukowski was a fuckin' legend... 😏

Another interesting one was about a boy who was thought to be possessed by an evil spirit. Peterson conducted hypnosis (Freud style 🤙). This boy had a fight with his boyfriend and did not believe that his boyfriend wanted to harm him. He then suffered by something I would describe as neurological cramp in his sleep. These cramps were the reason why he was believed to be possessed by an evil spirit and they happened to him quite frequently.  Peterson managed to “re-visit” the place of trauma during hypnosis with his client and together they got rid of it. To be honest I have never been hypnotised, but I have visited my traumas during the sleep. I remember e.g. to smashing a chair of an evil lecturer at Czech university who wished me real harm. I then punched the evil lecturer with full steam. I remember waking up lightened and happy… Therefore I think that dreams have similar effect as hypnosis, the only difference is that dreams occur naturally.


I do recommend this book. I also recommend it to read it by people who think that Peterson is a radical or a nazi, so they can comfortably see he is not. Naturally, I think this book is going to appeal rather men than women. Women are naturally more careless and less responsible than men and they always expect there is going to be somebody to take care of them. This book is not exactly 60 Shades of Gray, therefore it is rather unsuitable for women. So boys, this is a good read, go for it! 💪 😉


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Coming Up Next: I Will Teach You To Be Rich by Ramit Sethi

Peace 🧘‍♂️✌️🌱


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