‼️ Superlife by Darin Olien ‼️


Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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First of all. I really got excited about this book. As the consequence, let’s put building wealth on a side for just a little moment and let’s dive in another very important area of our lives which cannot be bought by any amount of money: our health.

Do you consider yourself to be a healthy person? Do you feel like you do everything you can in order to eat healthy?

At the beginning of the book Darin Olien promises his readers a new Ferrari. The Ferrari is your body. When righty fed and cared for, your body could perform to its highest. Basically, the book is a summary of tips on how to live healthy and happy life. Since, this was probably the very first book I have read on healthy nutrition and lifestyle, I have enjoyed it tremendously! 🤩🥳

Olien speaks about 5 live forces (to be more precise he mentioned 6 of them, but the 6th one is the prerequisite for all others). These life-forces include:

(1) Nutrition

(2) Hydratation

(3) Oxygenation

(4) Alkalisation

(5) Detoxification

[6] Attitude

Since, I was in school, I have never EVER enjoyed chemistry! In my focus always lied human sciences such as literature, philosophy, languages, fine art and history. Because of that some of the words in this book were Greek’s village to me. I have never heard about various enzymes which help to drive our body. I did not remembered what “alkaline” means either. I have heard about some of those terms in school for sure. But the subject matter was probably wrapped up in something boring and not worth paying attention to. Nevertheless! This book sparked up my curiosity once again and I was all pumped up to learn about chemistry in new and immensely interesting context! 💪🤩 Here we go!


I have learned that nowadays food is plentiful, but the food we eat is mostly lower in nutritional value. Meaning, we eat more food of lower quality than ever in history. Therefore it is important to pay the attention to what we eat! If we do not pay attention to it, it could strongly damage our bodies.

Frozen food vs. Fresh food 🥦 🥥 🥑 🧊

Another interesting aspect I have learned is that if the fruit is picked ripe, then frozen and shipped to us, it is much healthier option than to eat “fresh” food. Now, why is that? You are probably thinking: This guy is going fucking nuts! Fresh is always better as frozen. Well… No, it isn’t!

Bear in mind that if you live somewhere else as California, Greek, Italy or Spain (in general somewhere else as the states with warmer climate ☀️😎🌻) there is a very small chance you are going to get FRESH fruit and vegetables. First, fruit and veggies tent to lose their healthy enzymes when harvested. The loss should amount between 30% to 40%. Secondly, the fruit may have a nice ripened colour e.g. nicely orange clementines. But the bright colour does not equal healthy nutritions. The problem of the fruit we get on table in countries with cooler climate is that this fruit is harvested unripened (green), then put in craves and shipped thousands of kilometres away. This fruit does not grow long enough on the trees to absorb all the necessary nutritions. It appears that fertilisers help to grow our food faster but it does not mean that they enable the food to absorb all necessary nutritions faster.

Try to eat seasonal food when it can ripen and grow in your country and bear in mind that frozen fruit is actually a better option than the fresh one (applies to countries with cooler climate). If you live in Africa, you are sorted!

Eat less meat ❌ 🚫 🥩 🍗 🍖 🥓

In a nutshell: meat is shit today. Animals we eat are fed grow hormones and a bad diet. Before the meat is sent to supermarkets it is being injected with water. All that mess then lands on out tables… This is outrageous!

As I’m talking now, I have always successfully avoided the parts of supermarkets with BIO*/Organic labelling. The portions were smaller and far more expensive. I used to get excited to find a massive overgrown broiler for a good price. Back then, it made no damm sense to buy BIO/Organic. Since now on, I’m adopting different approach. We eat what those animals ate before us. If they were fed soya and grow hormones, we eat them as well. I would rather eat less and healthy than more and shitty. 😜

Olien also suggests to eat as less meat as possible. I do agree with him. It is work but all good things are.

Although, if we decide to eat meat. We shroud finish it first, before all veggies and fruits. This is due to digestion process. Since meat is really hard for our bowel and intestines to break up, to mix it with veggies, makes the process even harder.  Also, when meat spends far too long in our traction system, it just rots away. Therefore we should never go to sleep with full tummy.

Lastly to meat, our daily intake of protein (contained in meat) shall be about 15%. 


Importance of water. When I studied in Germany I have noticed students taking their water bottles everywhere with them. I did not understand why, until now. Even in the UK, there weren’t many students carrying water bottles everywhere. Which convinces me that Germans are way ahead of the UK, but let’s get back to the water. 

Hydration is extremely important. We need to drink all the time in order to flush the “bad stuff” - sounds very scientifical 😂, out of our bodies. If we feel thirsty, it is a sign we haven’t been drinking for a while (actually, let me take a sip of water right now). Ahhhh! Much better! As I have learned in this book, our stimulus to drink is not directly connected to the need of our body for water.

Another surprising news for me was: we can get almost all our water out of fruits and veggies.

Importance of clean water

Water is very prone to any sort of pollution and we should pay close attention to our water. Darin Olien even drinks distilled water to make sure, his water is not polluted by any means. He has some sort of water treatment plant in his house. This solution is quite expensive and not everybody can afford it. As the consequence, he prods others to drink clean uncarbonated spring bottled water with no added minerals.

I personally seldomly drink bottled water and I turn to tap water all the time. The tap water in my area is clean and of a good quality. Therefore I have very little need for bottled water. Honestly, I cannot even imagine drinking bottled water all the time… To me it seams like a waste of resources. The transportation damages the environment and it is not cheap option either. To get a home water treatment plant sounds like a good idea 💡 and I think I will get there one day.😁✌️

Enrichment of my mourning routine

Since, I have learned about the importance of water for our bodies, the very first thing I do when I wake up is to drink glass of water to replenish liquids my body become deprived of during the long period of sleep.

I also add to my water a hint of pepper, squeeze of a lemon juice and a pinch of a salt as Darin Olien does. This shall prepare our intestines for food intake.

Oxygenation 🌬🌪

Oxygenation is closely tied to Hyperventilation. Most of you know I’m all about Wim Hof and his breathing technique. When the weather is good (-15 °C / 5 °F) I like to take my hyperventilating session in chilly weather as a part of my body hardening routine.

The Interesting fact, Olien mentioned is that in our per-industrial age, the amount of oxygen in atmosphere was 30%. Today, in urban areas you’d be lucky to get 15% of oxygen.

While the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere declined, our need for oxygen did not. Hyperventilation could help to make up for the lack of oxygen in our atmosphere.


This book definitely helped to improve my lifestyle. I’m really happy that I read it and I hope to come across more of such books in the future.

This book is even more important in times of Corona pandemics. If you are a healthy individual, somebody could sneeze right into your fuc*** face and you won’t get infected. Healthy lifestyle is the best prevention there is out there. 

Based on this book I also decided to start to take vitamin D supplements (since in winter months I do not get enough sunshine and I have a suspicion it affects my skin) and I’m willing to explore digestive enzymes supplements. But since I’m new to this area, it will take me some time to properly do that. 


Darin Oline’s recommedations:

Documentary: Genetic Roulette by Jeffrey Smith

Book: Seeds of Deception by Jeffrey Smith

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Coming up next:

The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko

Feel free to like, share and comment or recommend books you find inspirational yourself. I’m keen to hear about them.

Peace 🧘‍♂️✌️🌱


*BIO means organic in continental Europe


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