‼️ 12 Rules of Life: An Antidote to Chaos by Jordan Peterson ‼️


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The first time I have heard about Dr. Jordan Peterson was years back when I was studying in Wales. For those who do not know him, Peterson is Canadian, clinical psychologist and lecturer at University of Toronto. He is controversial public figure. I love controversy and therefore I’m enjoying to write about him. 

Media love to grill him on the stance that he hates women, does not want equal rights for both genders etc. By some he is being portrayed as a nazi. But 12 Rules of Life did not sound like anything mentioned above. Besides, there are public figures who stand for Peterson, like actor Matthew McConaughey. I would say, yes, Peterson is harsh, yes, he is controversial, but what he is saying is no bullshit by any means. 

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On Religion

To be honest I found the book quite insightful. Some rules / chapters spoke to me more than the others. His book makes references to works of Dostojevsky, Nietsche, Orwell, Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. He also comments on the Bible. I’m not religious person by any means. Any time I’m asked to state my religion, I go for “agnostic.” Nevertheless, my European origin and the way of thinking or “cultural mythos” was surely influenced by Christianity. I have read some parts of the Bible, but never thought about applying that knowledge to day-to-day life. Good, because Peterson has done it for me. I would dare to claim that he has religious upbringing and his insights were new and interesting for me. He for example personifies male with order and female with chaos. The origin of all that shall be found in the Garden of Eden. Women as a serpent bings chaos in man’s life. I mean, who did not experience that? 🤭😃

Another interesting aspect, Peterson states in his book that Christianity as a religion lacks the principle of being happy here and now (which is a reason why Europeans have relentless work ethic).

Christianity was based on the principle “ora et labora” - in latin: work and pray. People were working for better tomorrow, there was no now. They were supposed to work themselves to death on Earth (like in Amazon) and were promised a better life after the death. But were they given what they were promised? 😬 

As a consequence European and North American cultures are now trying to compensate this lack of here and now (or the present) by introducing Yoga, Buddhism and meditation to masses.

On Women

Peterson claims that gender is not a social construct. This issue is not visible in country like the Czech Rep. where men are still men and women are still women. Contrary, it is very visible in counties like Canada and the United Kingdom. I believe that in Canada even men can get confused what it does men to be a men.

As the consequence, Peterson says that the differences between the two genders are based on different qualities. What do I mean by that? Women claim that are being oppressed by men all the time. Even today, I have heard a podcast, where it was said how women cannot do this and that because of men. Like what the actually fuck?!!! 

Let me tell you something. I think this statement is bullshit. In one of my previous posts I reviewed Gladwell’s Outliers. Bill Gates is a man. He worked hard and happened to be for a certain period of time the richest person on the planet. Is he guilty, because he is a man who is successful? I think that this gender based talk does not include other important arguments. Like what about the other men who are not Bill Gates? Could they say: “Oh, shit, we did not have the same opportunities like Bill Gates, nobody showed us how to found a Microsoft.” 😃😃😃

There is another aspect to “the game.” Women love to be dominated, they are used to it. They need a man to make a decision for them (“blue coat or a green coat”)? As the matter of fact, if you (as a male) won’t dominate your female, she won’t think about you as a man enough and is likely to leave you. Females also need to know boundaries of their men. If they decide to be with a certain man, it means they cannot do everything and be “everything.” There are limitations in place. 

Another very interesting point Peterson is making touches the issue of maternity leave. Society cries how there is not enough women in high-positioned jobs. Why? Because after 30 women stop to care about their carriers and want to have children. This is the circle of life, get on with it.

On Education

Peterson mentioned another interesting aspect when it comes to universities. I have heard about this problem from famous Standford’s psychologist, Philip Zimbardo, who is famous for his prison guard experiment. Similarly as Peterson, Zimbardo has noticed that young males are likely to quit university. As Peterson states:

“Schools, which were set up in the late 1800s precisely to inculcate obedience, do not take kindly to provocative and daring behaviour, no matter how tough-minded and competent it might show a boy (or a girl) to be. Other factors play their role in the decline of boys.”

Obedience is the real problem. When in school, you have to be obedient and listen to your teachers. It will mould you into a perfect slave material for Amazon’s hire list in the future, but it is very unhealthy and even dangerous for you as an independent thinker, or somebody who is his own man.

My personal experience when it comes to university is very similar. Altogether I studied at 4 universities (USA, UK, Germany and Czech Rep.). To be honest, I actually loved studying abroad and I have nothing against any foreign universities I studied at. I even want to send them regards for a positive influence they had on my personality.

But I do actually do have a problem with Czech universities. They are without the question the worst out of the worst. I would even dare to call them communist, because they are still run by the group of people whose brain was formed in 1950’ during the era of harsh Stalinism. Czech universities are unable to comprehend western academic freedom and therefore do not produce great independent thinkers. Similarly like Amazon, Czech universities award those who will choose to comply with their outdated communist perspectives. There is barely any room for innovation. I decided to leave my Czech University by choice. It was either to become someone I did not want to become (obedient communist sheep), or to become my own man who believes in progress and better tomorrow.

The problem with universities is simple. You are studying for ages to get a degree of some sort. It only costs you money. You have to eat, pay rent, tuition fees etc. University fails you to teach you about money, markets or how to sell yourself. When you finish, you have already become a slave-minded individual, who is ready to get into a rat race. I personally would like to change that.

To the actual rules of life:

Which chapter / rule I liked the most? The first one: “Stand up straight with your shoulders back.”

Peterson compares humans with lobsters. He claims that those crustaceans have more common with human beings that it might seem at the first glance.

Lobsters are very territorial, so humans are. I found this chapter extremely inspirational and it also explains Peterson’s view on immigration.

Another chapter / rule I liked a lot was: “Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping.”

Peterson states that people are better at giving medication to their pets than to themselves. The message is simple. Take a good care of yourself! Nobody else will.

What about: “Make friends with people who want the best for you?

Are you friends with people who genuinely want the best for you? If not, I would advise you to do some revision.

Another rule I liked a lot is: “Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don’t.”

This rule was already mentioned in Ray Dalio’s Principles. To be a good listener is very valuable skill. It can teach you a lot.

“Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient)”

I would interpret it as: do what YOU feel is right.

“Do not bother children when they are skateboarding”

Peterson suggest that if an activity is to be perceived meaningful, it has to be dangerous enough.

Sum up?

Was is a good book? It was. Shall you read the book? Yes, you shall.


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Coming up next:

No Excuses!: The Power of Self-Discipline by Brian Tracy

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Peace 🧘‍♂️✌️🌱


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